Perspectives and Experiences of Young Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Adults

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About the project

Navigating Space under Lockdown: Perspectives and Experiences of Young BAME Adults led by the Ubele Initiative and the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London with FOAM20 delivering creative workshops.

What is the project’s purpose?

This survey is part of a research project that interrogates the differentiated impacts of COVID-19 and related lock-down measures on young BAME adults (18-35) in England. Our findings will inform advocacy initiatives of The Ubele Initiative (www.ubele.org), to influence policies and programmes in response to COVID-19. In this survey, you will be asked to share basic demographic information about yourself (gender, race and ethnicity, whether you have any disabilities, your sexual orientation etc) and about your wellbeing, perceptions of services and mobility throughout the COVID 19 pandemic. The information that you share with us will help to improve our understanding of the effects of the pandemic on the diverse needs and experiences of people of colour, who are often invisibilised in public debate and policy.